Thursday, July 11, 2013

A Day of Hope part 2

"Lord, when did we see you thirsty?..."
On Wednesday afternoon we had the opportunity to experience just a bit of what walking for water is all about. With World Vision staff, community leaders and an army of interested children we hiked through the forest to the unprotected stream pictured above. You can't get a sense of the slope by just looking at the picture, but imagine a pregnant woman with a baby on her back coming down this path and then returning the same way with a container of water on her head. And then imagine that the water you collected is contaminated. That is the reality of life for many in this part of the world. The good news is that World Vision is working with local communities to provide safe water sources. After visiting the unprotected stream we hiked to a new protected stream where clean water is available .
The miracle of water is so evident in the clean water gushing in the picture above. The pride in the voices of the community leaders talking about this life giving water was so inspiring, and the immediacy of the need is equally convicting. Much good work has been done, and there is more to do!

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