Tuesday, July 9, 2013

God is with us...

"Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed."  Psalm 82:3
Today we had the opportunity to meet all of the sponsored children of our group members who live in Buliisa -14 in all. Time will only allow a brief comment, but know that for each of us - we have been touched beyond words with the awesome power of God working through World Vision, these precious children and their families, and the power of our risen Lord who gave us the example we are  attempting to follow. Never think that the $35 a month it takes to sponsor a child doesn't make a difference. It literally saves lives and now we have been privileged to meet and touch and laugh with these families.
Calvary family, the life giving clean water you are helping to support is right here, providing that basic necessity of life that is needed at the foundation of it all.
Today we were blessed with the most gracious hospitality! I apologize that I only have pictures of me to share today, but each of us were gifted with thank you gifts made with love that made me think about what Jesus said about the widow's mite. Greg got a hand made truck, we got gifts of food, and this little one in the orange dress gave me her special doll she had been cradling all day - it brings tears to my eyes just remembering the moment.

Thank you for your ongoing prayers. How awesome to know we are all praying all around the world!

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