Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Preparing to go...

An African Proverb...
"If you want to run fast, run alone.  If you want to run far, run together."

This sounds like good advice for our group of excited travelers ready to undertake a journey to the Buliisa region of Uganda in a few days.  This picture was taken in the winter when we had the opportunity to meet Millie Vanderpool, our World Vision group leader who will be traveling with us and who has answered the many questions posed to her in these months of preparation.  Our group includes (left to right): Ralph Smith, Carolyn Brown, Millie Vanderpool, Linda Adams, Debbie Brown, Jennifer Bauersfeld, and Greg Carter.  

On Sunday morning (6/30/13) our church family offered us their prayers, and we consider ourselves representatives of the many folks at Calvary who are sponsoring children in the Buliisa area (205 sponsored so far!) and have contributed over $50,000 to support the development of clean water/sanitation in the region.  We are going to be meeting sponsored children, viewing the progress of the water projects, visiting health facilities, schools and other initiatives World Vision is involved in and most importantly building bridges of friendship with our brothers and sisters across the world.  

We covet your prayers and my next post will include a prayer calendar to focus prayers specifically while we are gone.  

Until next time...and as always - In His service...

Debbie (the official trip blogger - be patient with me, I am learning how to do this :) )

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