Thursday, July 11, 2013

May The Lord Bless You And Keep You...

"We may forget that the poor are not an abstraction but rather a group of human beings who have names, who are made in the image of God, whose hairs are numbered, and for whom Jesus died."  Bryant Myers

We started our day with a devotion led by Jennifer on the concept of blessing. What rich, spirit filled worship we have shared each morning with our Ugandan brothers and sisters in Christ - and this morning was no exception, reminding us to look for the face of God as we went about the business of our day. School visits were on the morning agenda, and we were blessed over and over again by the interactions we had with the students and their teachers.
The children danced, acted and sang their appreciation for the positive changes World Vision in relationship with their local village leaders is bringing to their communities and schools.  Learning about sanitation and hygiene go hand in hand with making use of clean water, and the habits learned in school bring about the same habits back at home. World Vision builds latrines, trains teachers to lead health club and much, much more resulting in marked improvement in the health of children.
This is signage on a new latrine designed to reinforce the message. At each school we were welcomed as special guests and were asked to pray a blessing over the children and their teachers as we said goodbye. In the afternoon we visited a number of homes chosen to act as models of good practice in their villages. Again we were blessed with rich interaction as our hosts showed us the improvements they have made with pride - all done with World Vision training and support. The face of this sweet baby says it all. She will grow up in a healthier environment because of the work being done today!

1 comment:

  1. I just love checking in on this blog everyday! Thank you for finding the time to keep everyone back home informed. I love seeing the pictures and reading of your journey! I shared your mission with my family today (my sisters in-laws are actually living in Uganda doing their part to help the area). Anyways, you have been thought of often and prayed for throughout my days!
