Wednesday, July 10, 2013

A Day of Hope

"And then the righteous will answer him, Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink..." Matthew 25:37
Yesterday was a day of mixed emotions. We moved from the emotional highs of meeting sponsored children to the sobering reality of the enormity of the need. Today, however was a day of hope as we were privileged to experience the reality of the work World Vision is doing to help children live life in all its fullness. This is done at the grass roots level by involving community leaders every step of the way to develop ownership and pride in the changes being made. We spent our morning at a child nutrition program working with mothers learning how to help their children grow and thrive. We gave vitamins, helped weigh babies, prepare food, and were welcomed with the Ugandan hospitality we have grown to love.
The beautiful child below is wearing one of the little dresses sewed by our own Calvary ladies. This girl and her sister were not coming to the program because they literally had nothing to wear. Problem solved due to the love of a group of women in Normal,Illinois!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much, Debbie for posting your experiences in Uganda. I literally have tears rolling down my cheeks as I see you all there with our extended Calvary family -- what a blessing to be able to give hug and help. Continuing in prayer for you all.....
